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Why Backlinks Must DoFollow And High PageRank?

Why Backlinks Must DoFollow And High PageRank?

If you previously learned SEO, you of course also learn about backlinks. When you are looking for backlinks, you will be advised to look for high DoFollow and PR (PageRank) backlinks. A few years before, until 2014, PageRank was still one measure of a quality website. The higher the PageRank score, the more quality the website is. Why do backlinks have to be from DoFollow websites and high PageRank?

Many articles that discuss backlinks at that time provide a list of DoFollow websites and high PageRank to be used as a source of quality backlinks. Even though Google deleted the PageRank toolbar in 2013, the PageRank score update has been running for some time. Actually, PageRank is not really deleted, it's just not available to the public but is still used internally by Google as a ranking factor.

Why Backlinks Must DoFollow And High PageRank?

To be able to learn more about backlinks, you should need to know what is meant by backlinks, DoFollow and also PageRank at that time. This article does not provide a detailed or in-depth explanation of what is meant by backlinks, DoFollow and PageRank, only limited introduction to making it easier to understand the discussion about backlinks that should be DoFollow and high PageRank.

1. Backlink.

Backlinks are one of the off-page SEO techniques. Backlinks, also called inbound links, inlinks, incoming links or backlinks, are simply links or hyperlinks contained on other websites that lead to your web page or website. Backlinks have SEO value that is very important because it can affect PageRank, website ranking and also visibility in search engine search results (SERP).

Read the article: How to Build High-quality backlinks

2. DoFollow.

DoFollow is one of the values ​​of the rail attribute on a link. By default, all links are DoFollow, unless you add the rel = "nofollow" attribute. DoFollow links allow search engine robots to follow links and get to the webpage the link is pointing to. Unlike DoFollow, the NoFollow link instructs the search engine robots not to follow the link.

Read the article: Understanding DoFollow And NoFollow Links

3. PageRank.

PageRank is an algorithm used by Google to determine how important and relevant a web page is based on the number and quality of incoming links (inbound links). Google's PageRank score at that time was still available and could be known to the public through the PageRank toolbar, but, at this time, it was no longer available to the public. Now, PageRank is only used internally by Google. PageRank is a range of values ​​from 0 to 10.

Understanding PageRank at that time as an important ranking factor and applying this knowledge to the present can still be useful. The fact that incoming links (inbound links) still play an important role in SEO strategies to date. Although you no longer get access to PageRank scores from Google, there are several SEO tools that try to re-create the PageRank algorithm based on incoming links (inbound links) such as PageRank Checker.

4. Backlinks must be DoFollow.

Why do backlinks have to be DoFollow? This is related to the value of SEO (link equity or link juice ) that is forwarded or transferred from the web page where the link is located on the web page or website that the link is pointing to. Many articles mention differently that what is meant by the SEO value of a link refers to PageRank, authority, credibility or page rank. This SEO value can only be forwarded or transferred by a DoFollow backlink.

Read the article: Understanding the Terms of Link Juice (link equity) in SEO

NoFollow backlinks cannot forward or transfer SEO values. That is why the source of backlinks is always a DoFollow website. If your website has a NoFollow backlink from a website that has good authority and high PageRank, your website still does not get a transfer of SEO value. NoFollow websites cannot help other websites rank better in SERP.

Are NoFollow backlinks lacking or not useful to encourage better SEO? NoFollow backlinks are still useful because they can bring a lot of traffic when coming from websites that have large traffic. Traffic is also an indicator for search engines that a web page is useful and important. However, NoFollow backlinks have a smaller role compared to DoFollow backlinks in encouraging better SEO.

5. Backlinks must be from a high PageRank website.

Why do backlinks have to come from websites with high PageRank? This also has something to do with the value of SEO (link juice). The value of SEO is closely related to the quality of backlinks. Quality backlinks come from websites with high PageRank scores at that time. The higher the PageRank score of a website, the more quality backlinks will be and the more SEO value (link juice) that can be forwarded or transferred.

Some SEO articles state that if a backlink comes from a website with a low PageRank, there will be no transfer of SEO value. The number of backlinks from websites with low PageRank can put your website at risk. Google will assume you intend to manipulate PageRank or website ranking in search results (SERP). Your website will be subject to penalties.

A growing rumor states that Google no longer provides a PageRank score to the public so it is not misused. Google wants to stop spammers from using PageRank to make illegal money and manipulate links to increase artificially to get high PageRank. Until now, PageRank still exists and is used internally at Google.