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Understanding the Terms of Link Juice (link equity) in SEO

Understanding the Terms of Link Juice (link equity) in SEO

Link juice or link equity is a non-technical term in SEO that refers to the SEO value of a link or hyperlink that is forwarded or transferred from a web page or website to a web page or another website. Search engines (search engines) like Google and others consider a link as a vote by a web page or website for another web page or website.

Understanding the Terms of Link Juice (link equity) in SEO

Although link juice is often associated with backlinks that are links or hyperlinks that are on other websites that lead to your website, link juice also occurs on internal links and external links with the corresponding link juice transfer direction. In SEO, link juice is one of the most important factors in influencing the ranking position of web pages or websites in search engine search results (SERP).

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1. How link-juice works.

Link juice or link equity is the SEO value of a link that is forwarded or transferred from a web page or website where the link is located on a web page or other website that the link is pointing to. For example, if the link on web page A goes to web page B, then the link juice will be forwarded or transferred from website page A to page B.

Understanding the Terms of Link Juice (link equity) in SEO

Link juice also depends on the number and quality of links. The more and more quality links that lead to a web page, the more link juice will also be received by the web page. For example, web page A receives 3 quality links from 3 websites, while web page B receives 2 quality links from 2 websites, then web page A receives more link juice than web page B and web page A will rank better in the SERP.

2. DoFollow and NoFollow in link juice.

DoFollow and NoFollow are rail attribute values that can be included in a link. By default, all links are DoFollow unless you add the rel = "nofollow" attribute in the link. A link can only transfer or forward link juice if the link is DoFollow. NoFollow links cannot transfer or forward link juice.

Read the article: Understanding DoFollow And NoFollow Links For SEO Strategies

When a web page accepts NoFollow links from websites that have high authority and relevant content, then the web page will not accept link juice transfer. NoFollow links do not contribute anything to link juice. One way to get backlinks is by commenting on other blogs, but most blog commenting systems are set to NoFollow. If so, the web page only receives traffic when the link is clicked, but there is no link juice transfer.

Read the article: Backlink Must DoFollow And High PageRank?

For example, every website forwards or transfers link juice in the same amount. You have two websites. Web page A receives DoFollow links from 3 websites, web page B receives DoFollow links from 2 websites and 1 NoFollow link from a website. Although both accept links from 3 websites, web page A receives more link juice and is ranked higher on SERP compared to web page B.

3. How to get backlinks.

There are several ways to get links from other websites (backlinks) both through direct and indirect ways. The direct way is often referred to as link building, for example commenting on other websites, guest blogging, broken link building and so on. The indirect way is to create quality content so that many readers voluntarily share it on the web. The more quality backlinks obtained, the more link juice received.

Read the SEO article: How to Build High-quality backlinks

4. How to measure link juice.

There are metrics that can be used to measure your website's link juice or other websites. Google PageRank is one algorithm that can be used to measure link juice. However, Google PageRank is no longer available to the public and is only used internally by Google. Some SEO tools try to re-create the PageRank algorithm based on incoming links (backlinks), one of which is the PageRank Checker.

In addition to PageRank, there are several other SEO tools that can also be used to measure link juice. The SEO tool releases its own data link juice that can be used as a measure. In SEO, this SEO tool is important, recognized and able to present accurate numbers. Some of these SEO tools are the Moz Domain Authority (DA), and Majestic Trush Flow (TF). You can visit the link provided to find out more about the SEO tool.