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How to Increase Organic Blog Visitors to 200%

How to increase organic visitors to the blog must be done because, by increasing organic visitors, the blog will be liked by Google. Organic visitors are visitors who are purely from google search engines, or in other words, organic visitors are visitors who come when writing keywords on google.

What are Organic Visitors or Organic Traffic?

The term organic visitors or organic traffic is the number of visitors who come to a website through search engines be it google, yahoo, Yandex, and others.

Google really likes organic visitors because these visitors come to our site on their own awareness through the keywords they are looking for in the search field.

The more traffic from Google, the greater your blog will be on the first page of Google. So it can be said that blogs with high organic traffic have good SEO quality.

If there are organic visitors, it means that there are non-organic visitors. Yeah right ..

What are Non-Organic Visitors?

Non-organic visitors are the exact opposite of organic visitors. Where visitors who come to your site are not from search results or search engines. Visitors who come to your site because they find your article links elsewhere, for example on Facebook, Twitter, etc.

For example, there is someone who shares your article, then visitors open the link and then go to the page of your site, it is said to be non-organic visitors.

For example again when you do blog walking by writing a URL in the comment box, then visitors who come from there are also said to be non-organic visitors.

There are several traffic terms for non-organic visitors, including:

1. Referral Visitors

These visitors come to your site because they find site links included in the promotion program. For example, you do promotion on Facebook, Google Adwords, Twitter Ads, etc.

2. Visitor Dirrect

Dirrect visitors are also commonly said to be direct visitors, those who visit your site by writing your site's url directly in the address bar. It is said that non-organic visitors also because they deliberately typed directly the URL so that it is directed to the page of a blog without aiming for keywords that are searched.

Visitors from search engines are many, indicating that more and more keywords are targeted on target. For this reason, bloggers are more concerned with further increasing targets on organic visitors.

How to Increase Organic Blog Visitors to 200%

Increase blog visitors to 200% is the dream of all bloggers. Where the higher the number of site visits, the more benefits will be obtained. Not only the profit from the rupiah, but the credibility of your site in the eyes of visitors and search engines is more important.

There are several things you need to apply if you want to increase your site's organic visitors to 200%. This has been proven by many bloggers before, wherefrom the beginning they only have a few visitors, but after applying the points below correctly then slowly but surely the number of visitors will crawl to 200%.

1. Apply good SEO techniques

The first way to increase organic visitors is to apply SEO techniques, the most mandatory way if you want your site to be more crowded. Applying SEO techniques will also deliver your blog to the front page of google search. That way you will gain organic traffic to your site.

Talking about SEO techniques is divided into two classifications, namely SEO On Page and SEO Off-Page techniques. Start from within your site by applying all the SEO techniques on Page then slowly also apply SEO Off-Page.

2. Make Articles That Won't Stop Searching

Increase the organic visitors of the next blog is to make articles like this will make your blog always exist continuously. This is certainly related to the niche blog selection from the start. You must be smart to determine the niche blog whose article content is not weathered by rain, not cracked by heat.

To get a lot of visitors, you should make a lasting article. This means that articles will not only be searched at certain times, for example, articles about agate that will only boom in a few moments.

Make articles like WordPress Tutorials, Ways, Techniques, etc. Articles like that will always have someone looking for them. That is what causes stable blog traffic, although rarely updated.

3. Make the Most Wanted Content

Creating the type of content most sought after by people is very effective in increasing blog visitors quickly. The difference with the second point is only a matter of time. Making the most searched articles will make your site always crowded with people every day.

Make unique and original articles that are sought after by people like "how to increase blog visitors".

You need to use the Google trends feature to get the most searched keywords within a certain time frame. Google's keyword planner is also ready to help you to get keywords that are still low in the level of competition.

4. Build Your Blog's Trust in Readers

The next way to increase organic visitors to your blog is a matter of reader trust. Talking about trust is hard and easy. The trouble when you are still trying to build that trust. The easy side is when the reader already believes what you write, then the reader will always come to visit your site in his own awareness.

Make the article in accordance with your expertise and provide solutions to problems that confuse many people. That way people will always visit your site to find solutions to problems they encounter.

If you are experts in mastering SEO, give explanations and solutions related to the application of correct SEO techniques. That way people will judge you and make you a reference to overcome the problem of implementing SEO.

Do not occasionally disappoint your readers because the name of the trust is the same as paper. If it is tangled, it is difficult to return it to normal.

Do it like that consistently, it will increase the number of organic visitors, although not much still helps. Eventually, more and more people will trust you and refer your blog as their reference material.

5. Always Update Articles That Are Outdated

The next way to increase organic blog visitors is to always update the article. To update an article, it is not always necessary to publish a new article. Updating an existing article can be just a way to correct typos, check links that are not functioning, or at all update the information contained therein.

Thus, our articles will be more quality from time to time until finally getting a ranking on Google.

6. Optimize the Use of Link Between Posts

The next way to increase organic blog visitors is to optimize the links between posts. Links between posts will be a reference for search engines to crawl your site. This method is one way to make your position on Google not decrease even though you rarely post articles.

Why is that, because if there is one page that is on the top page of Google and that page links to another page, then this is a clue that will be used by Google's robot to display your article that is linked on the first page earlier. That way, your position on Google arguably will last a long time.

7. Increase Blog Loading Time

How to increase organic blog visitors next is a matter of blog loading time. Increasing blog loading time greatly affects the position of your site in search results. How would you like to increase the number of organic visitors if your site is slow to apologize?

As a new algorithm, Google will always prioritize blogs that have fast loading times to occupy the front positions of search results.

To increase loading your blog you can use free and paid plugins. One paid plugin that we recommend is the WP Rocket plugin. You can speed up website loading with the WP Rocket Plugin without spending time on setting up your blog.

If you use the WP Rocket plugin, you can follow the How to Setting WP Rocket Plugin in WordPress.

You can find out the speed of your blog on the Pingdom Website Speed ​​Test, GTMetrix, or Google Page Speed ​​Insight. If the time to access it is fast, you can move to the next way. If on the contrary, look for the cause.

8. Create articles above 1000 words

The next way to increase organic blog visitors is to make a long article above 1000 words. Make a long article or above 1000 words will make your site look unique in the eyes of Google. Google will judge that your article is a complete article with more detailed review content.

Google will always display quality articles in its search results. If your article is considered quality, then surely your article is in the top search results that will gain organic visitors continuously.

Long articles will also make visitors curious to read your article to completion. The longer visitors to your site, the value of your bounce rate will decrease. We all know that the smaller the bounce rate, the better the quality of the site. Bounce rate is the percentage of how long visitors stay on your site.

9. We recommend using long keywords as a target

How to increase organic blog visitors next is a matter of keywords. Long-tailed keywords or Long Tail Keywords are keywords that you use which consist of three or more words.

Why Use Long Tail Keyword (LTK)?
Keywords consisting of one or two words have a very high level of competition. Many senior sites use these keywords. I'm just worried that your site is unable to compete instantly. As a result, your site will only be in the back position.

By targeting long-tail keywords, your blog's chances of entering page 1 of Google are greater. Why? Because Long Tail Keywords are usually not glimpsed by big bloggers so the competition is low on page 1 of Google.

There aren't many visitors from Long Tail Keyword. However, if you target a lot of Long Tail Keywords, the results will be great. As the saying goes, little by little it turned into a hill.

10. Don't Lie to Google

The next way to increase organic blog visitors is a matter of honesty. Google is sophisticated, Google knows the techniques that you employ to manipulate search results. Never use fraudulent techniques only to chase the top position in search results. This will be very bad for your site if detected.

Increasing the number of organic visitors should be done in an ethical way because it is related to the credibility of Google itself.

It's better to create great content that helps users and provides solutions for what they are looking for. The positive impact will drive more organic traffic than the dirty way ever.

Those are some ways that you can apply to increase the number of organic visitors to your site by 200%. It may be useful.


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