How to Optimize SEO WordPress - According Wikipedia, Optimization Search Engine or Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a process to influence the level of visibility (visibility) of a website or a web page in the natural search results (often referred to as finding non-paid, non-advertisement search, or organic search) from a search engine ?.
How to Optimize SEO for WordPress in this article, the aim is of course how the website can have abundant visitors and can bring us income.
But this is very unlikely to be achieved when our website is unable to compete with thousands of other blogs that have implemented SEO techniques well.
As a popular platform, WordPress has many advantages in terms of SEO optimization. This is supported by the availability of many SEO plugins that can be utilized by wordpress users.
SEO is an important requirement that provides an important element related to the popularity of a blog / online business in search engines, the number of visitors, and the significant things that are needed by each blog/website.
Search engines like Google will be very comfortable when indexing content on WordPress, because WordPress uses high-quality code standards - which meet Google's requirements.
This means that every piece of content that you publish on your website will also be optimized for search engines, not just the main structure of your blog or website.
There are many factors that are used to determine how a website can be optimized at any given time. Here we will look at some of the most effective ways to make your WordPress website SEO? friendly.
How to Optimize SEO on WordPress
- Use Permalink that is SEO Friendly
- Use the WordPress SEO by Yoast Plugin
- Define Posting Keywords
- Add Internal Links In Article Posts
For more details, here is an explanation of how to optimize SEO on WordPress.
1. Use Permalink that is SEO Friendly
By default, WordPress produces a fairly long permalink structure. The default structure is a date and a URL name.
Permalinks liked by Google contain titles or keywords. Then, shorter permalinks will provide even better performance.
When determining permalinks, we recommend that you use Post Name. This method will make the keywords more easily visible when your website appears on Google.
You can change permalink through the WordPress dashboard. Please choose a menu? Settings> Permalinks. Then choose Post Name and click the button. Save Changes? To save changes.
Remember, if your post is online and you make changes to the permalink when your post has already been shared on social media, it is certain that the post is inaccessible.
Therefore, make sure to redirect the old post's URL to the post with a new permalink so that visitors can still visit easily. Can you use the plugin name? Change Permalink Helper.
2. Use the WordPress SEO by Yoast Plugin
This SEO by Yoast plugin is a million SEO blogger plugin. This plugin is very trusted to maximize WordPress SEO.
Many websites are on the front page of Google because they use this SEO plugin. To use the Yoast SEO plugin, please read? How to Set up Yoast SEO Plugin
The first feature that I recommend the most to use is the XML Sitemap. After installing the plugin, on the left side of the Dashboard, there is an SEO menu and there is an XML Sitemap. Let the plugin create a Sitemap for your website. Then register the Sitemap with your Google Webmaster.
Sitemaps or Sitemaps are useful for notifying Google about a list of content in the form of menus, pages, categories, to posts on your website so that it is more easily indexed on Google's search engine and other search engines. Thus, each of your articles will be indexed faster by Google.
3. Define Keyword Posts
The results of resetting your keywords need to be put in a post. These focused keywords will make your article easily understood by both visitors and the search engine system. This will make it easier for you to win the first ranking competition on the search results page.
By using SEO plugins Yoast then I suggest determining the keyword posting when writing articles. This plugin will really help direct you to make optimal articles.
To improve the SEO of an article, you also need to add an internal link. That is in the form of links that point to other articles on your website.
4. Add Internal Links In Article Posts
Adding internal links is one of the On-Page SEO techniques. Internal links themselves are useful to help visitors read relevant articles on your website, so as to increase their time in visiting your website. Besides that, the information on your website is more structured.
It is recommended to add 3-5 internal links for each post. But if your content has a lot of words, you can add more.
5. Always add keywords in the first paragraph
Please add keywords in the first paragraph, if possible. This is because Google will crawl starting with the first paragraph.
If you use the Yoast SEO plugin, if you haven't added keywords in the first paragraph there will be a notification, as seen in the image below with a red sign.
How to Optimize SEO on WordPress you can improve in various ways. Well, the five ways above are only a part of them.
Although only in part, the tips above are essential so you need to take precedence before you apply other methods.
We wish you success in increasing the SEO ranking of your WordPress website! If you have other ways, don't hesitate to submit it in the comments column.
this is effective info.